We offer USPS Standard Flat Rate shipping only. Allow 2
-3 days for item to be shipped. Delivery is usually within 2 - 7 days after shipping.
1 - 2 items (same address only)
3 - 4 items (same address only)
5 - 6 items (same address only)
7 - 8 items (same address only)
Add $9.80 for every two items over 8 items.
If you wish to purchase multiple items, or send to several addresses, or need it in a rush, please contact us by
phone or email and we'll be happy to calculate other shipping options based on your needs.
Payment Methods
If you are interested in purchasing anything on this site, you may
do so by adding the item to your shopping cart. Shopping is completed through PayPal.
You may also call 480-221-8867 to make an order over the phone. If you pay by personal check, your order will ship
5 business days after we receive your check.
Privacy Policy
information including email address, telephone number, address, etc. which is provided by the user is used solely for the
purpose of completing the order. This includes information pertaining to gift recipients. Financial information including
credit card numbers, expiration dates, billing address is used solely to bill the customer for their order.